Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tasman Island

Decided to be a true tourist for the day, and signed up for a cruise viewing the east coastline of Tasman Peninsula. Not the normal activity that interests me, joining a boat of tourists, but it is the only way to see this coastline, and it was highly recommended.
The headwalls were quite impressive up close, rising over 300 meters (1000ft) from the sea.

Look closely at this silhouette outline, there were lots of these guys.

Candlestick Rock, yes its climbable, but too difficult for Tyler.

Souther tip of Tasman IslandTasman Island lighthouse supply pulley. At this point, the sea was too rough to continue our boat trip to Port Arthur, so we had to back track. Difficult to see in the photos, but there were sections of sea that had 20ft swells, I was counting 2-3 seconds of near weightlessness as we went against the swells, sitting in the front of the boat. After the second time the boat came out of the water and landing flat, we had to turn around. Half of the tourists were having a great time, half were scared to death, but nobody got sick, impressive.
My tourist friends in Tasmania

Three finger rock.

This is Port Arthur ruins, once a penitentiary, see link for you people interested in history