Sunday, May 18, 2008


Hobart, Australia is Tyler's new home for the next four weeks. He is visiting a company for the machining and first build of the new 'project'. Just 20hrs of flying from London, Tasmania is a little bit off the beaten path.
This is a view from the pier looking back to the city, with Mt Wellington being the highest point in the background. Tyler will soon get to that summit on his recently borrowed bike :)
First weekend at Hobart, discovered the Salamanca Market. A typical market with arts and crafts, organic veggies, music, etc... but was a great cultural experience.

Hey, there is Mt Wellington again, just waiting to be conquered.
Salamanca courtyard in downtown Hobart.

Unfortunately it is late fall right now, but so far the weather has been great, clear and crisp. Only downfall has been that it is dark by 5:30, so not much adventuring after work. Endless outdoor activities in Tasmania, with most of the island being untouched wilderness.

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