Thursday, November 29, 2007

The New Camera Arrived (Thanks Millers!!!)

Hopefully you start seeing some better quality images. We stepped it up, and purchased a 10 mp Cannon Rebel xTi Digital SLR camera, it is fun. Tyler was stuck waiting 30 minutes for a train, and enjoyed every minute of the wait with the new camera. Nothing special here, just Tyler experiencing new technology. These pictures are from his trip to Bristol, England, where he attended a 'How To Make Sustainability Pay' conference focused on UK and the sustainability of residential and commercial development.
This is the Temple Meads train station in Bristol. Notice the classic english taxi cab on the lower right, they are great.

OK, there is still some work to be had on the old focus thing, but we are learning, and this was just round one. They will get better. Photography is a very fun activity, especially with digital, no waiting for results in the dark room, it's right there. Don't like that setting, change it, take it again, ohh it's fun. This last picture is middle class English culture summed up in one photo, too bad it's out of focus, moving too quick, didn't want him to catch me, next time. Good night......

Our Running Trail

There is a nice balance to Oxford, with lots of access to outdoor recreation. This trail starts right out our front door, and is a great lunch escape for both of us.

This is the view from under the scary bridge. Yah, it's a rough start, but well worth it. Keep in mind, the trains pass over your head at 60mph.

Just after the adventure under the bridge, you get this, nice dirt (yes, no pavement) trail along the Thames River.

After the bridge there are lots of options, stay along the river path and continue along the treeline in this picture, head out into the open Port Meadow, or cross the meadow for a loop system. All range from 3-4.5 mile loops, great way to break the day up from all that desk jockey slave labor.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Punting In Oxford

We decided to check this whole punting thing out on a Sunday afternoon. Not a bad way to check out the area.
We convinced Whitney (our roommate) and Chris (her boyfriend visiting from the states) that it would be a great idea. They even trusted Tyler with the punt, or stick, or whatever you call it.

If you are punting for the romantic experience, I would advise hiring a guide, Tyler spent most of the time banging the pole against the side of the boat, and trying to stay on board.

Bath, England

This weekend outing was quite sometime ago, I'm just trying to catch up.
Tyler got tired of 'hanging' around while Lindsay studied, so after a Sunday morning cup of coffee, accompanied with Lonely Planet (the best guide book out there) Great Britain Guidebook, he hoped on a train. It was an hour and a half away from Oxford, with great countryside views from the train window.
This is the main 'tourist' attraction in Bath, The Roman Bath Museum (
The Romans were quite impressive with their engineering skills back then. In the First Century, they had lead pipe plumbing, steam rooms, radiant heat flooring (wow it's back), hot tubs, insulated walls, hollow bricks for ceiling structure (lightweight), made concrete that cured underwater, etc... the list goes on and on.

Ok, it's official, Tyler did make it to Bath, nice self portrait Tyler...... where's Lindsay? Ohh, over a million litres (265k gal) of 47C (117 F) water emerges from this spring every day.
Random street in Bath, that's it
Another random pic in Bath

This is where all the famous people in England live at some point in their life, I don't know why, interesting architecture though, just have one guy standing in the center with a string to keep that perfect circular line?

This is the most famous teahouse in England, so Tyler couldn't resist, and then took a picture. That is called a bun in the center, no nothing like a Cindy's cinnamon rolls, but still good. The tea, it was also good, Tyler enjoyed it enough to drink tea for the next couple of days, then went back to the good life of coffee. Besides, tea stains your teeth.
An evening walk along the river, looking back at the city. Goodbye bath, till next time, gotta catch a train.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ride To White Horse Hill

I am trying another option, by writing descriptions here, and then linking you to other pictures in picasaweb. So, this was my road ride out to White Horse.
Ride to White Horse Pics
Maybe I will add a few photos here in the blog, then the link will be a bonus for a photo gallery to view.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Tourist Walk In Oxford

Still not liking this blogspot....
We decided to be tourists for an afternoon, and make the suggested walk by our guidebook. Here is a picture of us being tourists from the college church, it was a nice view of the city, with the rolling green hills on the horizon.

A classic hidden view of a college courtyard. Usually you have to sneek a view behind the entrance to see inside, some are open for viewing only to the public, some you can pay to enter, while most others are simply closed. You need to know someone to get in.

This is the entrance to the city when walking from our house. It already feels very 'familiar'. The best coffee shop is to the left here, and it only costs $6, with a muffin $10, not bad for here.
Downtown Oxford
Just another old friggin building
Christ Church

Yep, a Courtyard
High Street
Maryrs Memorial with the classic Double Decker Tourist Bus

There's a significant amount of history with this bridge, but maybe lets just admire the beauty of it right now, nice huh. I do think they could have made it out of lighter materials, but just a thought.
Good job Tyler, you made it into a picture on the blog. Where are you going though? Must be tired of this blog, till next time......